4 Quotes & Sayings By Praveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar is a freelance writer and has done writing assignments for various companies and organizations at different times. He has worked with firms like HP, IBM, Cisco, TCS, SAP Labs, Software Productivity Consortium (SPC), ISRO, HCL Infosystems Ltd., etc. He has also written for various business magazines like "Career Point", "WebExec", "Quickturn", "The Indian Journal of Management Education" and so on. Apart from his writing assignments he also writes for his own blog called 'Praveen's Blog" Read more

He is an avid reader of all kinds of good books.

This is not the begning but not the end. So you have time to become what u want.... Praveen Kumar
I don't know about my future but i guess it will better then my past. Praveen Kumar
Don't give any chance tosomeone to stole ur aim, collect ur full potential to get itand prove that ur achiever....... Praveen Kumar